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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In the Pigman College of Engineering, we embrace diversity and recognize our responsibility to create a welcoming environment where students, faculty and staff of all backgrounds can come together to learn and work. We value the benefits of a diverse campus and are committed to equity, inclusion and accountability. We believe diversity helps enrich and grow our college and are committed to engaging in an ongoing conversation to thoughtfully respond to the challenges and reality of our interconnected world.

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Faculty and Staff

Pursuing diversity for excellence.

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In recognition of our ongoing efforts to promote and improve diversity and inclusion, the University of Kentucky Pigman College of Engineering received a Bronze Award from the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in 2019. In addition to the Bronze Award, the college was further recognized as “exemplar.” The distinction came as the result of ASEE’s inaugural Diversity Recognition Program.

According to ASEE’s website, “…the ASEE Diversity Recognition Program was created to publicly recognize those engineering and engineering technology colleges that make significant, measurable progress in increasing the diversity, inclusion, and degree attainment outcomes of their programs.”

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Bronze Award

Diversity Action Plan

How we are going to create an academic ecosystem where success and impact are amplified by a diverse and inclusive culture.

Our 2019 Diversity Action Plan »

Wellness Survey Report

The survey report will help us create safe environments that are conducive to learning and growth.

Our 2021 Wellness Survey Report »

2022 Climate Culture Report

This report presents and assesses data related to the College’s climate and, to a certain extent, its culture.

Our 2022 Climate Culture Report »

Report a Bias Incident

This form serves as an official report regarding an incident or incidents of bias, hate, bigotry and/or identity-based violence.

Bias Incident Report Form »

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Biomedical Engineering

Rebecca Burchett Liebert Dean of the College of Engineering

Professor, Chemical Engineering; Chellgren Endowed Chair and Director of the Chellgren Center for Undergraduate Excellence

Lecturer, Chemical Engineering, Paducah Campus

Dean’s Office

Associate Professor; Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Facilities; Tennessee Valley Authority Professor

2021 Henry Mason Lutes Award for Excellence in Engineering Education winner Sarah Wilson

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering