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James Lumpp, Ph.D.

Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Computer Engineering


569 FPAT


The University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor, (7/99 – present) Assistant Professor, (7/93 – 6/99)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Engineering Physics & Math Div. Mathematical Sciences Section, Visiting Scientist, (6/94-8/94) Developed techniques to reduce the overhead of software instrumentation and performance metrics for parallel programs.

Rockwell International, Collins Division, Advanced Technology and Engineering Department (5/90-9/92) Developed verification and validation (formal methods and code coverage metrics), and performance evaluation techniques for embedded, safety critical, avi

The University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1/90-8/93) Research assistant: debugging, testing, and performance evaluation of multiprocessor systems.

AT&T Bell Laboratories, Indian Hill, Large Systems Development Department (5/88-8/88) Developed database tools for managing a design decision database.

Purdue University, Department of Electrical Engineering (1/88-12/89) Course coordinator and instructor for microprocessor design and projects laboratories, course development for EE Department.

Northrop Corporation, Defense Systems Division, Advanced Technology and AN/ALQ-171 EW Group (5/85-8/87) Real-time data acquisition systems, digital and analog design for electronic warfare systems and avionics for F5 fighter aircraft.


Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Iowa

M.S. Electrical Engineering, Purdue University

B.S. Electrical Engineering, Purdue University


  1. O. A. Rawashdeh, G. D. Chandler,  and J. E.  Lumpp, Jr., “A UAV Test and Development Environment Based on Dynamic System Reconfiguration,” ICSE 2005 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS05), St. Louis, Missouri, May 2005.
  2. S. Rawashdeh, D. Jones, D. Erb, A. Karam, and J. E. Lumpp, Jr., “Aerodynamic Attitude Stabilization for a Ram-Facing CubeSat” AAS 32nd Annual Guidance and Control Conference, January 2009.
  3.  James E. Lumpp, Jr., Anthony K. Karam, Daniel M. Erb, Jason R., Bratcher, Samir A. Rawashdeh, Twyman Clements, Nathan Fite, Jeffrey Kruth, Benjamin Malphrus, Ivan Bland, Riki Munakata, Roland Coelho, Jordi Puig-Suari, Jason Reese, Charles Brodell, Scott Schaire; “SOCEM: Sub-Orbital CubeSat Experimental Mission”; 31st IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2010
  4. S. Rawashdeh, J. Lumpp, “Development of a Drift-Free Stellar Gyroscope”, 25th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, 2011, Logan, UT
  5. Zachary Jacobs, Samir A. Rawashdeh, James E Lumpp Jr, “A SPA-1 Enabled Plug-and-Play CubeLab for ISS Payloads,” in Infotech@Aerospace, Garden Grove, CA, 2012

Honors and Certifications

  • Iowa Engineering Dean’s PhD Fellowship, University of Iowa 1990-1993
  • Graduate Instructor Fellowship Award in EE, Purdue University 1988-1989
  • Outstanding Senior in Electrical Engineering, Purdue University 1988
  • Instrument Rated Private Pilot (Aircraft Single Engine Land and Glider Aero Tow)
  • DoD Clearance: Secret

Synergistic Activities

  • Lead student teams in the development of avionics, communications, and computer control systems for a series of high-altitude UAVs used to test Mars airplane technologies as part of the Baseline Inflatable Glider Balloon Launched Unmanned Experiment (BIGBLUE) Project.  This series of missions (2002-2005) featured the first inflation of UV cured composite wings in a near-space environment.
  • Served as the PI on the development of autonomous aircraft including the Composite Aerial Terrain Orthorectification Photography System (CATOPS) and several generations of ground control systems and autonomous aircraft based on reconfigurable bus technologies (2004-2007).  Several of these vehicles competed in AUVSI design competitions.
  • PI for the Space Express Super Loki sounding Rocket launch White Sands, NM December 2007.  The payload was developed to test communication systems and served as a proof of concept for rapid access to space for student built payload.
  • Engineering Lead for Kentucky Space Near-space experiment “Balloon-1” that launched in July 2008.  The payload launched to over 90,000 feet was used to measure the magnetic fields of the earth and to experiment with attitude control and communications systems for small satellites.
  • PI for the development of an IMU payload for Garvey Spacecraft Prospector P-12A flight test launched in October 2008.  The IMU payload stored high-resolution accelerations ad rates that allowed recovery of detailed flight dynamics.
  • Engineering Lead for the development of the Antenna Deployment and Mono-filament Actuator Satellite (ADAMASat) CubeSat.  ADAMASat, a 2U CubeSat, will fly as part of the SOCEM Terrier-Improved Malemute mission (Hal 12.067) from NASA Wallops in March 2010.
  • Engineering Lead for KySat-1 CubeSat manifested to fly as part of the NASA Educational Launch Nano-satellites (ELaNa) mission.  ELaNa will fly as a secondary with the NASA Gory mission on a Taurus-XL from Vandenberg Air Force Base in November 2010.  This mission will mark the first launch of student built satellites by NASA.
  • Science Co-Investigator for NASA Hall 12.067 sounding rocket mission. Dr. Lumpp led a team that adapted a modified Poly PicoSat Orbital Deployer (PPOD) (developed by Cal Poly) for use in a NASA 17” sounding rocket.  The Sub-Orbital CubeSat Experimental Mission (SOCEM) will carry a 2U CubeSat called ADAMASat developed in Kentucky and a 1U CubeSat developed by Cal Poly to test attitude control systems.  The launch, scheduled for March 10, 2010 from Wallops Flight Facility, will mark the first time that CubeSats have been ejected in space on a sub-orbital trajectory.
  • Lead the team that, working with NanoRacks, LLC, developed, tested, flight qualified, and delivered NanoRack-1 and NanoRack-2 to NASA KSC December 2009 and January 2010 for launch on STS-131/19A in March 2010 and STS-132/ULF4 in May 2010.
  • PI for the Flash Incident Radiation Susceptibility Test Lab (FIRSTLab) and CubeLab-2.  FIRSTLab will study the effects of radiation aboard the ISS on commercial flash memory devices and CubeLab-2 will measure baseline ISS radiation levels and the effect of shielding materials.  These payloads will fly on Shuttle 19A in March 2010 (with a re-flight on ULF4 in May 2010).
  • Engineering Lead for continuing Kentucky Space high-altitude balloon research activities.  Currently, his team is developing a series of high-altitude balloon missions to recover micrometeorites using Aerogel material (Space CoWBoy) and developing technologies for precise GPS guided recovery of balloon payloads using novel parafoil systems (CoDeBReAKeR).
  • Dr. Lumpp serves as Co-Investigator on a variety of small spacecraft efforts currently under development.  His primarily responsibilities are for small spacecraft bus designs including the PoloSat NanoSatellites designed to  study the polarization of Gamma Rays produced by massive supernovas.  This study could answer basic questions about the composition of the universe and mechanisms and the Danjon CubeSat designed to study global climate change by measuring the albedo of the Earth by measuring its reflection on the moon.
  • Dr. Lumpp currently serves as the director of the Space Systems Laboratory and the Intelligent Distributed Embedded Architectures (IDEA) Laboratory at the University if Kentucky and Engineering Lead for Kentucky Space.  The IDEA Lab has developed several key enabling technologies The Space systems Laboratory at the University of Kentucky maintains a clean room, a thermal vacuum system, vibration test facilities, and circuit fabrication facilities all dedicated to small satellite development and a UHF/VHF Earth station for satellite communications.

Research Interests:

Embedded Computer Systems

Avionics Systems

Spacecraft Design and Dependable Spacecraft Electronics

Small Satellites

Autonomous Vehicles

Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Operating Systems

Software Engineering Tools

Verification of Safety Critical Systems