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PEIK, LG&E and KU Collaborative Research on Utility-Scale Batteries Receives IEEE Paper Award

December 03, 2020

The manuscript is titled "Incorporating Battery Energy Storage Systems into Multi-MW Grid Connected PV Systems."

By Jason Souders, PEIK


Researchers from the SPARK group within the Power and Energy Institute of Kentucky (PEIK) and from Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company (LG&E and KU) have recently received from the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), Renewable Energy Systems Committee, a Transactions Paper Award - Third Prize for the manuscript entitled "Incorporating Battery Energy Storage Systems into Multi-MW Grid Connected PV Systems", which was published in the flagship peer-reviewed journal IEEE Trans on IAS. Most recent research by the group has been just published in the widely circulated peer-reviewed IEEE Access journal in the paper "Parameter Identification for Cells, Modules, Racks, and Battery for Utility-Scale Energy Storage Systems". The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest association of technical professionals with more than 400,000 members worldwide and the IAS is one of its large societies.

The publications are reflective of the strong collaboration between PEIK and LG&E and KU on timely topics of new technologies for renewable energy generation and storage in the electric power systems. Since 2018, the joint research group actively working on utility-scale large electric batteries and solar PV topics included at UK: Oluwaseun M. Akeyo, Ph.D. student, Vandana Rallabandi, Postdoctoral Researcher, and Dan M. Ionel, EE Professor and L. Stanley Pigman Chair in Power, SPARK Lab and PEIK Institute Director, and at LG&E and KU: Nicholas Jewell, Senior Engineer, and Aron Patrick, Manager Technology Research and Analysis. Authors' versions of the technical papers are available from the SPARK Lab website