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Fall 2024 FYE Updates

Welcome to FYE!

Welcome to the First-Year Engineering (FYE) program for Fall 2024! In preparation for the Fall semester, we have compiled detailed instructions for incoming UK engineering students that include information on FYE textbooks and electronic kits, software downloads, and other FYE-specific steps students can take in the weeks leading up to their arrival on the UK campus. We encourage you to review these instructions as you prepare to start your engineering career at the University of Kentucky. 

Here is a concise checklist of important steps that you will need to complete in preparation for the Fall semester.  Additional details are provided below.

  • Activate your LinkBlue account and University e-mail account.
  • Log-in to CANVAS, and configure your profile.
  • Verify that your laptop meets the minimum specifications as stipulated by the College of Engineering.
  • Review FYE requirements for course textbooks [EGR 102]. Upon arrival, purchase your EGR 102/215 electronic kit.
  • Download and install the Microsoft 365 software package to your laptop; this installation will be at no cost with your UK LinkBlue ID.
  • Download and install MATLAB to your laptop (also at no cost); this is a very large installation and students may wish to complete this installation prior to their arrival on campus.

As we approach the start of the Fall semester on August 26, we will provide any required updates both via direct e-mail, and on the FYE program website.   We strongly encourage you to regularly monitor your University of Kentucky (@uky.edu) e-mail account as we near the start of classes.

If you have questions regarding any aspects of FYE preparations, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Douglass Kalika, Director of the First-Year Engineering Program (kalika@uky.edu).  Also, all incoming students are encouraged to attend the optional FYE On-Line Welcome Event on July 23, when we will review this information and the steps needed to prepare for the start of classes.

Incoming students

Incoming students in the College of Engineering FYE program should complete the following prior to the first day of classes on August 26:

  1. As soon as possible, activate your Link Blue account and University email account.
  2. Log in to CANVAS (UK’s learning management system), and complete the following:
    • Set up your CANVAS profile (Account tab at top left of main toolbar)
    • Set up your notification preferences for class announcements
      Please note that CANVAS pages for individual FYE courses will not be available until shortly prior to the start of classes.
  3. Review the minimum and preferred specifications for the College of Engineering laptop computer requirement.  All students enrolled in FYE courses will be required to have a laptop meeting these specifications.
  4. Review the textbook requirements for the FYE courses (see below).  Upon your arrival on campus, visit the UK Bookstore and purchase the required custom electronic kit for EGR 102/215.
  5. Visit the UK software download site (https://download.uky.edu/) and log-in with your Link Blue credentials.  Complete the following software downloads/installations:

For MATLAB, students should download the most recent version (R2024a).

Permissions for these (no-cost) software downloads will be tied to each student’s LinkBlue ID.  Permissions for downloads will not be active until early to mid-August, so please be patient.  Students who encounter difficulty with download access should contact University of Kentucky Information Technology Support.

Textbook Requirements for FYE Courses (Fall 2024)

EGR 101 (Engineering Exploration I) does not require a textbook for Fall 2024.

The required electronic textbook for EGR 102 is Knoesen and Amirtharajah, “Introduction to MATLAB”, published by zyBooks.  Sign in or create an account at learn.zybooks.com, enter the zyBook code UKYEGR102FALL2024, and click Subscribe.  Subscriptions can be paid either by entering a digital access code purchased through the UK Bookstore, or by paying directly at the zyBooks site; students may wish to compare prices prior to subscribing.  The zyBook for the course is available for subscriptions starting on August 12.

Important:  Students enrolled in EGR 102 will be required to purchase a custom electronic kit from the UK Bookstore; please visit the UK Bookstore textbook site for current price information.  Students are required to purchase the kit prior to the start of classes, and to bring the kit (along with their personal laptop) to the first class meeting for EGR 102.  Please note that this kit is a customized Arduino kit specifically configured for EGR 102, and is only available through the UK Bookstore.

Note: The Arduino kit listed above includes a USB cable capable of connecting to a USB-A port on your laptop.  If your laptop provides only USB-C ports, you will require either a USB-A (socket) to USB-C (plug) adapter; or a USB-B (plug) to USB-C (plug) cable, either of which can be purchased at electronics/computer retailers, department stores, or online vendors.  USB-A to USB-C adapters that contain a built-in hub (that is, those that provide multiple USB-A sockets) have a tendency to not work properly with the Arduino. We recommend an adapter with a single USB-A socket and a single USB-C plug.

There is no textbook requirement for EGR 103. Students enrolled in EGR 103 should consult with the instructor (Prof. Whitney or Klein) on the first day of class regarding any other requirements for the course.

Students enrolled in EGR 215 will be required to purchase a custom electronic kit from the UK Bookstore; this is the same electronic kit that is required for EGR 102. For students enrolled in both EGR 102 and EGR 215 for the Fall semester, only one kit per individual student is needed. There is no separate textbook requirement for EGR 215.

Students with financial need who cannot afford their FYE textbooks may be eligible for textbook assistance. Please contact your College of Engineering advisor or Ms. Jennifer Doerge for more information and eligibility requirements.

In addition, the UK College of Engineering has a very limited number of laptop computers available for loan for the 2024-25 academic year. Eligibility for a laptop loan is based on demonstrated financial need and requires approval of the student’s academic advisor. For more information, please contact your College of Engineering advisor, or Ms. Jennifer Doerge.

Useful links related to FYE:

College of Engineering Contacts: