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Lau, Seikowave, Part of 3D-Printed PPE Effort

UK’s team already has a few prototypes and the process is one that can be easily replicated by other institutions wanting to make masks for their own health care system.

Q&A with Our Career Development Experts on Searching for Employment in Uncertain Times

Ilka Balk, John Beck and Zach Fuqua weigh in on what students can do right now to maximize their chance of securing employment.

Embracing #TeachAnywhereUKY, #WorkAnywhereUKY

From entertaining Zoom backgrounds to reassuring anxious students, faculty and staff members have continued to deliver a high-quality engineering education with their trademark can-do spirit and personal attention.

College Faculty, Staff and Students Pitch in to Fight COVID-19

From 3D-printing face masks to donating supplies to making hand sanitizer and much more, the faculty and staff from across UK have united in the fight against COVID-19.

BAE Donates PPE in Fight Against COVID-19 Spread

Six boxes of much-needed N95 masks were among the supplies donated to UK Healthcare.

UK Paducah Students 3D-Printing Face Shields for Community Hospitals

Four different area hospitals have already received the 3D-printed equipment.

Nikiforos Stamatiadis Receives Fulbright Award

His project will develop and deliver a bicyclist and pedestrian facility design course considering bicycling in Greece

UK Paducah Papers Among Most Downloaded in Publication

One UK Paducah graduate student and three UK Paducah faculty members authored papers that are among the top 10% most downloaded papers published in Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy.

Yuke Wang Wins Goldwater Scholarship

Wang is a UK junior pursuing majors in physics, mathematics and computer science. Upon completion of his bachelor's degrees, Wang plans to pursue a doctorate in theoretical physics.

UK Researchers Seek to Develop Antiviral Membrane Mask

Dibakar Bhattacharyya has the concept and the means to develop a medical face mask that would capture and deactivate the COVID-19 virus on contact.