The doctoral program in computer science is a research degree granted primarily on the presentation of substantial research achievement. To be admitted to candidacy for this degree, candidates must satisfy the requirements of The Graduate School and pass the qualifying examination. This examination consists of written and oral sections covering breadth in computer science as well as depth in a specific area.
Breadth requirementStudents fulfill the breadth requirement by taking at least one course from each of the following areas and receiving at least a B in all, and an A in at least two of them.
Depth requirementThe Depth process is individualized to the research focus of the student. The student’s committee decides on the appropriate form of this process. It can be a written exam, an oral exam, a literature review, a published paper, some other requirement, or a combination of these.
Qualifying exam (QE)After two years of residency, the completion of the requirements above, and any other requirements (such as courses and research papers) imposed by the student’s advisory committee, the student becomes eligible for a QE. The QE is typically a thesis proposal examination, although the committee can decide otherwise.
PhD Oral examinationThe student prepares a thesis and schedules an exam with his committee for the thesis defense.
Time limitsStudents who complete the two years of residency coursework at UK should take the QE in the sixth semester of their study. For other students, the preferred time for the QE is adjusted accordingly. Further, the QE should be taken no later than in the second semester after the student completed the depth requirement. All degree requirements for the doctorate must be completed within five years following the semester or summer session in which the student completes the QE, but extensions up to additional 5 years may be requested for a total of 10 years.