The James and Gay Hardymon Center for Student Success is a one-stop shop for all engineering student support services. From academic advising to first job offer negotiations, our staff is ready to support student from the moment they apply, the start of their career and beyond!
All first-year students, regardless of major, are advised by the Freshman Advising Team. Incoming students meet their advisors during orientation and remain with them until the first two semesters are completed. Priority Registration, which takes place in October and March, requires an appointment, but students may walk in to see their advisor at any time.
Whether you are a freshman or a senior, experts in career development want to make your resume shine, prepare you for job interviews, and help you find internships, co-ops and full-time jobs in engineering and computer science, A specially designated interview room is available for practice or to use when meeting with visiting companies.
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Tutoring: Peer tutors offer all engineering students assistance with homework in engineering and major-related courses. Come learn how to work your way through those tough classes efficiently and effectively!
Students frequently contact records staff about transcripts, academic standing, graduation information, academic actions and more. Now, students can access this information while utilizing other services within the center.
Spacious areas and private rooms feature comfortable furniture suitable for tutoring, group work and individual study. Partitions divide larger study spaces into quiet and group study zones. Proximity to classrooms, as well as Engineering Tutoring, makes these study areas the ideal location for groups to convene.
Many students enhance their academic careers by becoming involved in student project teams and organizations. These activities can provide leadership opportunities, hands-on engineering experience and a chance to meet other engineering students. Click the link above to view all student organizations.
The Science & Engineering Library supports the learning, teaching, and research needs of UK students, faculty, staff, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The library team offers research support and information literacy instruction together with a full suite of other library services. They assist students with finding articles and other information to complete their assignments as well as supporting researchers from grant proposal to publishing results.
Your education is yours. Own it!Take control and responsibility for your own education. Make sure you organize your time and keep track of what you need to accomplish, and take responsibility for being aware of academic deadlines and expectations.
Build your SkillsSuccess requires much more than just the technical content you learn in engineering classes. Develop and practice your communication skills, your social awareness, and your leadership potential.
Apply your SkillsFigure out what you are passionate about and get involved. There are huge numbers of opportunities outside the classroom to apply your skills.
Professional Communication TipsCheck your email and Canvas pages regularly. Official communication from the college and university will always come to your email address, and important information about your classes comes via Canvas.
Follow professional email etiquette
Ask for helpEngineering is a team sport. We each contribute different skills and knowledge, and we all need each other to accomplish our goals. The purpose of the College of Engineering Student Success Center is to provide you the resources and tools to enable you to be successful in your engineering career. Let us! All you need to do is ask.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Success; Professor
Center for Student Success Director of Advising and Engineering Student Services