In the Pigman College of Engineering, we recognize our responsibility to create a welcoming environment where students, faculty and staff of all backgrounds can come together to learn and work. We value the benefits of an academic community where everyone is seen, heard and included. So, we strive for a college environment where everyone can participate fully in the life of the College and fulfill their academic and professional ambitions through their participation.
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Pursuing access, engagement, and belonging for excellence.
In 2019 recognition of ongoing efforts to promote an environment where all can succeed, the University of Kentucky Pigman College of Engineering received a Bronze Award under the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Diversity Recognition Program. In addition to the Bronze Award, the college was further recognized as “exemplar.” The distinction came as the result of ASEE’s inaugural Diversity Recognition Program.
According to ASEE’s website, “…the ASEE Diversity Recognition Program was created to publicly recognize those engineering and engineering technology colleges that make significant, measurable progress in increasing the diversity, inclusion, and degree attainment outcomes of their programs.”
Many students enhance their academic careers by becoming involved in student project teams and organizations.
The survey report will help us create safe environments that are conducive to learning and growth.
This report presents and assesses data related to the College’s climate and, to a certain extent, its culture.
This form serves as an official report regarding discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct.