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Admission Pathways

Incoming Freshman

You are considered an incoming freshman if you have not enrolled at another college or university after graduating from high school.

Transfer Students

You are considered a transfer student if you have enrolled at another college or university after graduating from high school.

Graduate Admissions

Explore graduate admissions criteria.

International Admissions

If you are an international student, we have resources for you.

Ready to be a Wildcat engineer?

We train students to solve monumental engineering challenges. We offer rigorous programs and enriching experiences that encourage collaboration and creativity. We provide an environment where students can cultivate curiosity through innovative research. We partner with industry through co-ops to give students real-world experiences that lead to meaningful careers. We are a community making the future better through engineering.

Tony Jackson

Professional headshot of Tony Jackson.

Center for Student Success and Recruitment Director of Recruitment

Location Detail
355-U F. Paul Anderson Tower
859-218-5170 (call), 859-267-1877 (text)