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Learn what it's like to be an engineer from a UK Engineering graduate!

The College of Engineering's Alumni Mentor Program matches a current engineering student with a UK engineering graduate from the same major.  The mentor and mentee communicate during the academic year to discuss questions about what an engineering workplace is like, the multiple career pathways you can take as an engineer, current engineering projects, their experience as a UK student, and how to connect what you're doing as a student with what you would do as a professional engineer.  

For Current Students/Mentees

As a mentee, you will share your current UK Engineering experience with your mentor, and bring them your questions about the professional engineering world.  Your mentor will talk with you about what it's like to be an engineer in your major, share their career path and UK experience, introduce you to their engineering workplace, and answer any questions you have about their field. 

What can I expect from my mentor?

Your mentor will be an engineering professional with whom you can discuss your questions and interests.  You will set a meeting frequency (monthly, bimonthly, etc.) and mode (in-person, Skype, Zoom, phone, email, etc.) that is convenient for both of you.  At those meetings your mentor will share their professional and career experience with you; show you what their workplace is like; introduce you to other engineers they work with; talk with you about your UK engineering experience; and answer any questions you have about working in their field. 

How long does the program last?

You and your mentor will be matched for one academic year (approximately September through April).  You are welcome to stay in contact with your mentor once the program is officially over.

Does the program cost anything?

The Alumni Mentor Program is completely free.  Your mentor donates their professional time to you.

What have prior mentees said about their experience with a mentor?

I have learned a lot about industry that I wouldn’t learn in school.

It was great to get new perspectives on my mentor’s career path and the passions that led him to where he is today.

Correspondence with my mentor is always super encouraging, and filled with good advice.

It has definitely been a great learning experience to better understand the applications of my major.

The best part of the mentor program was relating to my mentor as a person.  Talking candidly about the industry has been most helpful.

Would I make a good mentee?

You are a great candidate if you want to learn more about what it would be like to be an engineer; enjoy exploring new interests; want to see how engineers work together on projects; would enjoy getting to know an engineer as a person; want to learn how to succeed in the industry; have a lot of questions; and are willing to take the initiative to set up meetings with your mentor; and have the time to commit to a monthly meeting with your mentor.

Alumni Mentor Program

Priority student applications for the Alumni Mentoring Program will be accepted through September 1. Matches will be communicated by the end of September. Mentor and mentee pairs are expected to connect at least once a month from October through April. There will be a kickoff informational meeting for mentors and mentees in the fall.

Apply online

Alumni Mentor Program Handbook

For more details about the program, read the handbook.

Read the AMP handbook

For Mentors

As a mentor, you will share your work experience, professional knowledge and expertise, personal career path, and interests with your student mentee.  

What level of commitment is expected?

We ask that you commit to meeting with your mentee regularly (once a month, bimonthly, etc.) in whatever format is mutually convenient (in person, Skype, Zoom, phone, email, etc.) from September through April.  Your supportive, consistent, and benevolent presence is very important for the success of your mentee!

What are some common discussion topics?

  • Current issues in the profession
  • Your personal career path and experience
  • Types of businesses/employers
  • Career tracks and exploration
  • What a “typical” day is like for an engineer
  • How to look for and get a job

What activities do you suggest?

The most popular activities with students are:

  • Site visits to your workplace
  • Being introduced to other engineers you work with
  • Hands-on exposure to an active project (when possible)
  • Discussions about how your industry works (collaboration, difficulties, etc.)
  • Sharing of knowledge about how to seek and obtain a job
  • Talking about possible career paths

What are key traits of a good mentor?

  • Desire to help students grow and develop professionally
  • Interest in student’s academic, professional, and personal goals and interests
  • Patience with students who are still developing their skills and exploring/defining their interests
  • Willingness to view and interact with student as a whole person (not just as an engineer)
  • Reassuring manner
  • Comfort with interpersonal communication
  • Appreciation for/sympathy with the difficulties students face
  • Willingness to learn from and about students’ experiences
  • Excitement about your professional work

Mentor Application

Mentors can apply online. Alumni applications are accepted on rolling basis.

Apply now

For questions, contact:

John Roberts

Professional headshot of John Roberts.

Center for Student Success Director of the Engineering Living Learning Program

Location Detail
355W F. Paul Anderson Tower