If you are a high school graduate (or GED recipient) who has completed one full-time semester (12 or more credits) as a degree candidate at another college or university, you must apply to the UK COE as a transfer applicant.
To be accepted to the College of Engineering, transfer students must have a minimum cumulative college GPA of 2.5 and have completed MA 110 or its equivalent (or MA 109 and 112 or their equivalencies) with a grade of B or higher. Students who do not receive a B in these courses but who have completed calculus courses required in the Engineering curricula will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The UK Office of Undergraduate Admission generally determines the total credit hours of transfer work that will be accepted. In most cases, it is the director of undergraduate studies in your proposed major who determines exactly which of the transferred courses may apply toward specific degree requirements.
When a transfer student attends their orientation Advising Conference, an Engineering advisor will explain how their transfer work has been applied. In some cases, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be needed from you in order to determine exact course equivalencies.
Transfer students are welcome to consult individual departments in advance of their Advising Conference so they may become familiar with degree requirements in their prospective program. Contact the Director of Student Records, B.J. Brandenburg at barbara.brandenburg@uky.edu.
Please note that any Engineering course credits must be earned at an ABET-accredited (www.abet.org) institution.
Establishing course equivalencies prior to arriving at UK is especially important for international Engineering students seeking to complete their degree here at UK. Documenting that you have the prerequisites to proceed into UK Engineering required courses is essential. Not only must your completed courses be documented on your transcript, but in some cases providing copies of course syllabi, old tests and papers can help determine course equivalencies and adequate preparation for UK’s courses.
Visiting international students who are not intending to earn a degree from UK also need to provide documentation of completed prerequisite courses for the UK courses that they wish to enroll. Prior approval from your current institution’s advisor for classes you plan to take at UK is highly recommended. Visiting students are responsible for ensuring the courses they take at UK will fulfill the requirements of their home program.
Center for Student Success and Recruitment Director of Recruitment
Student Records