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College Grants Officers

Proposal Preparation

  • Assist faculty and departmental budget staff with the development of proposal budgets, justifications, sponsor forms, internal routing documentation, etc. for sponsored grants/contracts.
  • College review for all proposal documentation prior to submission to ensure that applicable costing policies are followed and are compliant with university, federal and sponsor guidelines.
  • Facilitate the internal routing process by ensuring that the appropriate documentation has been included for college authorization and release of the proposal to the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration for institutional signature.
  • Identify the need for other required approvals and facilitate interaction with the appropriate offices (e.g. human subjects, animal subjects, biohazards, etc.).
  • Assist faculty with electronic proposal submission to various sponsors.
  • Guide faculty in the preparation of forms to establish subcontracts and consulting agreements.

Account & Grant Management

  • Complete periodic reviews of grant-related accounts and expenditures for compliance with sponsor and university guidelines.
  • Serve the college as a liaison with other University units including: Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, Research Financial Services, Accounts Payable, and Purchasing and work with departmental business staff to facilitate the resolution of accounting problems on grant accounts.
  • Coordinate with departmental business staff to ensure that appropriate action is taken for new accounts to document effort (charging and cost-sharing) in FES; coordinate with appropriate person new and existing positions in grant budget; coordinate system to document cost-sharing other than faculty salary.
  • Maintain college proposal files, award documentation, correspondence, etc.
  • Utilize various reporting tools to provide grant management reports for departmental business staff, investigators, department chairs and deans that can be used for strategic planning and monitoring university account activities.

Useful Information for Preparing Proposals

Office of Sponsored Projects

Find useful information such as the F&A rate, fringe benefits rates, official name and address of the organization.

Find more information

Procedure for Obtaining Institutional Support Letters

Read the procedure for obtaining institutional support letter for research grants.

Read the procedure

PDO Facilities Description Library

Use your LinkBlue ID and password to access descriptions of facilities, colleges, etc.

View the proposal resources

Export Controls & Sanctions Compliance

UK is committed to complying with all laws and regulations that pertain to sanctions and export controls.

View more information

Frequently Asked Questions