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The total provided was $33,650 to the following groups:

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) at the UK College of Engineering Paducah Campus
  • Biomedical Engineering Society
  • Engineering Career & Co-op Center
  • Engineering Living Learning Program
  • Innovation Center
  • Society of Hispanic Engineers
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
  • University of Kentucky Solar Car Team
  • Wildcat Pulling Team

The funding provided for these organizations will help students succeed through projects such as the fabrication of specialized materials for aerial vehicles for ASME or events such as SWE’s “Let’s Do Lunch,” which connects prospective students with current female engineers.

“Young alumni frequently ask how they can help the College of Engineering achieve its mission,” said Rudy Buchheit, the Dr. Rebecca Burchett Liebert Dean of the College of Engineering. “This Council presents a great opportunity for them to materially support and influence the mission of the college.”

The Young Alumni Philanthropy Council invites alumni under the age of 40 to assist the College of Engineering Office of Alumni & Philanthropy in its mission to inspire supporters to create a world that works by providing life-changing opportunities for future generations. To join the council, every member makes a monetary gift of $1,000 to the college. These funds are pooled and awarded to engineering programs that support students.