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Business Procedures Exception Process

The Request for Exception to Business Procedures Form is required when requesting any exception to University internal policy and/or procedure.  COE employees should follow the guidelines below when submitting request for an exception to business procedures.


Completing the Form

  1. Complete all information requested on the BPE form, checking any/all reasons for the request.
  2. Provide a detailed justification for the requested exception (be specific as to why the policy was not followed and why and exception should be granted).
  3. In the justification block, you must include steps that your department is taking to prevent a recurrence of this same issue.
  4. Travel related requests must include employee name, ID, requested amount, the Concur document number, the signature of the traveler, and the department head’s signature.
  5. Contact information should be the departmental business officer, but the contact person does not need to sign the form
  6. Department head approval is required.  Ther is no specific signature line for the chair or director’s signature, however, please have your department head sign next to the traveler’s signature or in any blank area of the form. 
  7. Attach documentation to the BPE form (such as applicable receipts and pre approvals) before submitting to the COE Business Office.  Departmental business staff will be notified of the approval.  Once the BPE is approved by the University Financial Services office, a copy of that approval should be attached to the travel expense report in Concur as an attachment and then submitted through the Concur workflow.

Routing the form

  1. Exception forms and supporting justification should be routed through the COE Business Office. (please send to Valerie Pitts)
  2. The Business office will obtain appropriate signatures and the form will be routed electronically to the University Financial Services for final approval.
  3. UFS will notify the Business Office of the decision on each request, and that will be relayed by the Business Office to the correct departmental contact.

Please refer to E-1-2 Requests for Exceptions to Business Procedures for the University policy regarding business procedure exceptions.