This program is a 2-plus-2 arrangement that allows students to earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) from a designated Kentucky Community and Technical College Systems School during their first two years. Students will work towards their Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology degree at the University of Kentucky during the second two years. Please consult with our student advisor, Kelsey Carew, to learn more about the pathway options.
LST Curriculum
What do Lean Systems Engineering Technologists Do?
Lean Systems Engineering Technologists can hold various positions, including Lean Continuous Improvement Engineers, Lean Engineers, Lean Manufacturing Engineers, Lean Process Improvement Engineers, Supplier Quality Engineers, Lean Manufacturing Specialists, and Quality Engineers. They are employed across different sectors, including both manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries, non-governmental organizations, and government laboratories, where they focus on manufacturing processes and analysis
Where Do They Work?
For more information on the latest job market outlook and sample career fields, please check out the Engineering Technology – Career and Co-op Office |Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering.
How Much Do They Earn?
As of Summer 2024, the median annual wage for Continuous Improvement Engineers and Specialists was $75,944. Employment opportunities for Continuous Improvement Engineers and Specialists, Manufacturing Production Technicians and Technologists, and Lean Manufacturing Specialists are projected to grow by 12 % between 2019 and 2028. Job prospects are expected to be best for those who stay updated on the latest technological advancements.
What skills do they learn?
Curriculum highlights include:
Why LST?
The Lean Systems Engineering Technology program offered through the University of Kentucky is the only program of its kind offered in the United States. Students will be equipped with the technical knowledge and skills to thrive in an advanced manufacturing setting through hands-on experiences and industrial collaboration.
With the leverage of Toyota and the UK Pigman College of Engineering 30 years of partnership, students in this program will benefit from professional instructors, some of whom are former Toyota executives. Through industrial collaboration, students are taught how to address complex problems exactly as they are seen on the shop floor.
This program is designed to allow you to learn through a hands-on practical approach.
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What else do I need to know?
In their first two years, students will earn an associate degree in Integrated Engineering Technology (IET) or any other approved pathway from the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
The AAS in Integrated Engineering Technology (IET) Program offers students the opportunity to build a career in integrated manufacturing systems found in advanced manufacturing. The program leads students through a mechatronics approach to maintaining and troubleshooting highly automated and complex manufacturing systems that include programmable logic controllers, robots, various types of drives, sensors, photoeyes, and electro-hydraulics and electro-pneumatics. Students have the opportunity to earn the following certificates:
The AAS in IET is the feeder program into the B.S. in Lean Systems Engineering Technology.
If you are interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Lean Systems Engineering Technology, you should apply for the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Integrated Engineering Technology through the BCTC application. BCTC will be your home institution until you complete all the requirements for an AAS degree. Once you fulfill the requirements for the AAS degree and meet the admission criteria established by the UK College of Engineering and Engineering Technology program, you will need to apply to UK as a transfer student or any other applicable status type.
Engineering Technology Student Affairs Officer
View the degree requirements, courses and sample plans of study on the UK Catalog.
View LST Catalog