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Adams, Lu and Young Awarded NASA Grant

ECE Professors Adams, Lu and Young have been awarded a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration entitled “Fast Computational Electromagnetic Methods for GEMINI”.

Dr. Thapliyal Receives Award for DSP from KS&EF

ECE Professor Dr. Himanshu Thapliyal has received an award from the Kentucky Science and Energy Foundation entitled “Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processor Based on Reversible Nanomagnetic Logic”.

CME Doctoral Student Gutierrez Earns Prestigious Superfund Research Award

Angela Gutierrez, a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky Superfund Research Center was one of six promising trainees nationwide awarded K.C. Donnelly Externship Award Supplements to fund their research at other institutions.

The Scroll From En-Gedi: A High-tech Recovery Mission

University of Kentucky Professor Brent Seales and his team have further unlocked writings in the ancient En-Gedi scroll — the first severely damaged, ink-based scroll to be unrolled and identified noninvasively.

ONR Grant Award goes to Young and Adams

ECE faculty John Young and Rob Adams have received a three year award from the Office of Naval Research to study algorithms for the electromagnetic field modeling of Naval vessels.

Hastings Receives Award from DoE to Study Nanoscale Magnetic Materials

ECE faculty member J. Todd Hastings has received a new award from the Department of Energy to study nanoscale magnetic materials called artificial spin ices.

Norwood Student Chapter (SME) to Receive MEC Award

The University of Kentucky Norwood Student Chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) has been selected to receive the 2016 Minerals Education Coalition (MEC) Award at the 2017 SME annual meeting in Denver.

UK Solar Car Team Competes at American Solar Challenge

For the first time since 2010, the University of Kentucky Solar Car Team qualified for the American Solar Challenge (ASC) — a competition to design, build and drive solar-powered cars in a cross-country event.

Nathan Wright: UK MBA Grad and Game Inventor

Nathan Wright has always wanted to go beyond the status quo and create, to pursue ideas and make things that nobody else has made before. Now, putting the best of his recently completed University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics MBA together with the undergraduate degree he earned from the UK College of Engineering, Wright is doing just that. He has developed Game of Energy, a strategic game based on the world energy crisis.

Low Back Pain Sufferers Experience Relief With UK Researcher's New Treatment

Millions of Americans suffering from low back pain could soon have a quick, cost-effective and permanent solution for the debilitating ailment. The solution, an injectable liquid called Réjuve, was pioneered by University of Kentucky researcher Tom Hedman and has received promising early results from a recent clinical study.

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