The Pigman College of Engineering seeks volunteers for its 102nd E-Day on Feb. 22. Volunteers are an essential part of E-Day! They help with preparation the Friday afternoon before the event, and throughout the morning and afternoon on the day of the event. Volunteers help with setup, teardown, exhibitor support, guest support, wayfinding, and the balloon giveaway. All volunteers receive a free E-Day t-shirt.
The University of Kentucky is leading a five-year, $20 million Research Infrastructure Improvement award from the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR)with $4 million in additional funding provided by the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. The project is titled “Climate Resilience through Multidisciplinary Big Data Learning, Prediction & Building Response Systems (CLIMBS).”
Recently, Simone Silvestri, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, was recognized with two awards for his service as editor in scientific journals. Silvestri received the 2024 Best Editor Award from the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. He currently serves on the journal's editorial board and was selected for his exceptional contributions, dedication and unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of editorial excellence.
Brent Seales, Ph.D, a computer science professor in the Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky, has been selected to lead a new national program that supports research at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and the humanities.
Come explore! E-Day at the University of Kentucky Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering is a self-paced open house experience. Guest are free to roam the engineering complex and discover what the world of engineering has to offer.
You and your guests are invited to join the University of Kentucky College of Engineering for a special reception.