Kelly Pennell, Professor and Director of the University of Kentucky Superfund Research Center (UKSRC) and a team of researchers from the Department of Civil Engineering traveled to New Orleans to participate in the 42nd International Symposium Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Michael Renfro has been named the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Facilities at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering.
On Saturday, September 24, ten students from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) University of Kentucky student chapter partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help build a home for a family in need in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Ciara Pickering shares how BAE's bioenvironmental focus prepared her for her career, and how she spends down time hiking with her dog Wally.
Nikiforos Stamatiadis, professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, has received the 2022 Global Impact Award for Distinguished Faculty Achievements in International Research and Scholarship.
The UK College of Engineering’s Young Alumni Philanthropy Council, also known as YAPCO, welcomed 16 new members to its 2022-2023 cohort. To join the council, every member makes a monetary gift of $1,000 to the college. These funds are pooled and awarded to engineering student programs.
The 2022 Civil Engineering Awards Banquet, which took place on September 17, recognizes outstanding alumni and industry leaders in the civil and construction engineering industry.
This is the third consecutive year with such success for SPARK Lab students advised by Dan M. Ionel, ECE Professor and L. Stanley Pigman Chair in Power.
The University of Kentucky team that developed the Kentucky Re-entry and Universal Payload System (KRUPS) project received an Innovation and Technology Demonstration award at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) in July 2022.
The NSF-funded FABRIC project, launched with a $3 million grant in 2020, has completed Phase 1 in its work to establish a groundbreaking network testbed cyberinfrastructure to reimagine the way large amounts of data are generated, stored, analyzed and transmitted across the world.