The Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Kentucky has been favored with an excellent faculty, a sufficiency of space and an abundance of modern equipment.
This section attempts to describe succinctly the Department’s capabilities in research and development for the benefit of potential research collaborators and sponsors.
In summary, the mining faculty has access to 25,259 square feet of space and to equipment with an original purchase value in excess of $1.6 million. They are served by an elaborate but flexible computing network containing personal computers, workstations and minicomputers.
The Departmental LAN is connected to the campus fiber backbone allowing access to campus mainframes and Engineering Computing Services workstations. Via the campus fiber backbone, the Department of Mining Engineering has full Internet access allowing for the sharing of ideas and information with colleagues throughout the world. View details about the research the Mining Faculty are conducting.
Although described separately, the facilities of the UK Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), are readily available to Departmental researchers. A number of completed cooperative projects point to the open relationship between the Center and the Department. The CAER is a 60,000 square foot facility containing over $7 million in process development and analytical equipment.
The Department of Mining Engineering controls approximately 25,000 square feet within the Mining and Mineral Resources Building (MMRB).
This space can be roughly divided into four functional groups: office space, classrooms, laboratories, and computing. The facilities available to the students and faculty of the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Kentucky are among the most modern and spacious of any mining engineering program in the U.S. and are well-suited for satisfying the program objectives.
Include drying room, Alliance Coal analytical laboratory, Surface Chemistry analytical laboratory, crushing, grinding and sample preparation, unit processing laboratory (wet), and leaching/solvent extraction laboratory.
The Mining Automation and Control Laboratory provides an outstanding resource for teaching project-oriented classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and for supporting faculty research.
The Mine Electrical Systems Laboratory is a 527-square-foot facility dedicated primarily to research of electrical engineering applications in the mining industry.
The laboratory devoted to mine ventilation is well-equipped for both research and instruction.
The rock mechanics lab is extremely well equipped for both, research and instruction.
The Mining Department, through the University of Kentucky Explosives Research Team (UKERT), operates an underground and surface facilities to conduct instruction and research in explosives and explosions.