- The average starting salary for a graduate with a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering is $64,338*—a starting salary that ranks as the fourth-highest nationwide
- A mining engineering degree opens up numerous career paths with mineral corporations, federal and state agencies and engineering firms
- The diversified needs within the mining industry means students can choose a specialty from a variety of interests, whether mine design, excavation or safety
- Responsible mining of the earth’s resources requires engineers who can employ environmentally sound practices
Top salaries, plenty of opportunity in a strong field and a part in safely and responsibly delivering our needed natural resources…why not mining engineering?
*Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers 2015 Salary Survey
Why Mining Engineering at UK?
- The University of Kentucky Department of Mining Engineering is one of only 13 such programs in the nation
- Get hands-on experience through summer internships with real mining companies throughout the country
- Students who earn scholarships and participate in the summer internship program can graduate from UK without student loan debt
- Student organizations, national conferences and research field trips provide incredible opportunities for national and even international travel
- Small class sizes allow for individual attention from faculty members
- Companies come to our campus to recruit you for summer internships and full-time employment
- Summer employment opportunities pay anywhere from $10,000-$15,000 per summer and employers often cover travel and lodging expenses
The Department of Mining Engineering at UK offers a unique education filled with stimulating classes, fascinating travel destinations and unbeatable internships—and that’s all before graduating debt free and landing a salary of over $60,000 per year. This is one program every student with an interest in engineering should seriously consider.