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Capstone Design is a vessel for which student can apply their engineering knowledge to a real-world problem working with an Industry Sponsor Advisor. Pigman College of Engineering capstones design is a two semester course often taken during a student senior year. 

Capstone Design Showcase

The first annual Capstone Design Showcase, will be on Monday, April 28, from 3:00PM to 6:00PM in the Gatton Student Center Harris Ballroom.

See presentations from students from several disciplines in a poster style showcase. Guests will get the chance to engage with students, industry sponsors and see product prototype demonstration.

Event sponsorship opportunities are available.

Capstone Design Showcase

Student holding prototype

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Capstone Funding Opportunities

The Pigman College of Engineering offers two opportunities for students to receive support for their capstone design project:

Reese Terry Engineering Capstone Design Support for Medical and Health Applications

Alumnus Reese Terry is providing support for engineering capstone design projects that focus on medical and health issues. The award is available to students in any major who are working on their capstone design projects. Projects that partner with faculty members in the UK College of Medicine, Pharmacy or the Department of Biomedical Engineering are strongly encouraged. Partnerships with industry are also encouraged.


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Medical Device Design for Space or Extreme Environments

 The skills that students will gain from this project include teamwork, imagination, pragmatism and a willingness to step outside of their comfort zone.

While instructors can suggest ideas, students should play an active role in writing the proposal. The environment in which the medical device shall be used should be described and the user and beneficiary of the device function within that environment should be defined. The proposal should compare and contrast how and why an existing medical device may not function as needed in the defined environment, and the constraints or special requirements within that environment that are cause for this new or modified medical device design.

Process Overview

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